Tuesday 4 January 2011

The first few days

While Smudge didn't eat very much for the first few days, we attributed that to the stress of moving and settling in to a new environment.

As I said previously, we decided not to use the bark chips as substrate, since the leopard gecko book we bought stated that young geckos can ingest the chips accidentally whilst eating.

Smudge seemed happy with having kitchen towel as the floor covering.

We taped the heat mat to the underside of the left half of the habitat to create a warm end and a temperature gradient. After adding the water dish and the coconut shells, the habitat looked  pretty crowded, but it seemed as though Smudge was quite happy, as you can see from the photos below!

We started her off on around 7 crickets a day, which apart from the first few days, seemed fine. When we did put more crickets in she would not finish them off, so we were happy that we were giving her enough to eat.

Just a quick note about the previous photos, its so strange to see how small she was when we got her, her whole body could fit across the width of my hand!

The last photo in this set is one of our favorite photos as it shows smudge just about to pounce on a cricket, whilst perched on the side of one of the coconut shells!

On this photo you can see the wires underneath the tank for the temperature sensors (post coming soon!) and the heat mat.

Up close with young smudge! The shell on the right is full of Moss (more about that later too)

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