Tuesday 11 January 2011

Eating habits and other stuff

So we also bought a tub of mealworms soon after we got Smudge, and it certainly was easier fishing them out of the tub to feed her.

When we first started feeding her crickets, we were trying to use tweezers to take them out of the tub individually and put them in a bag (we put them in a sandwich bag in order cover them with Nutrobal, add a pinch to the bag and give it a shake, instant yummy nutritious insect treats!), needless to say it took a long time feeding her each evening! since then we have moved on to easier and faster methods of separating crickets for each feed).

The mealworms were also great value! Since we got Smudge we have probably bought between 20 and 25 boxes of crickets and or locusts, however we are still on our second box of Mealworms, the first box lasting us 4 or 5 months!

We can give her 5-7 worms a day, or just a couple along with some crickets, and they can sit in the feed tray (upside down marmite jar lid!) until she is ready to enjoy them. Keeping the box of worms in the fridge ( in the Salad Crisper section, as it has never been used for storin Salad it was the logical choice!)

Sorry about the short post, more later about nocturnal activity (Smudge, not me) and shedding.

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