Saturday 16 April 2011

Dinner Time!

As I'm sure you all know, Smudge has of late been very finicky with her food, so I thought and I know this is covered in the care sheet, I would just go over all the foods available (that we know of) and what Smudge who this blog is about likes!

So at the moment she is really into her locusts, which is great as nutritionally they are far superior to mealworms and crickets but unfortunately also more expensive, we get ours from Reptiles Plus they charge about £2.50ish for a box of locusts and the same price usually for all the other live foods I think, but the difference being that in a box of crickets you'd get between 20-30 (4th or 5ths, smaller sizes you'd get loads in a box) but with locusts i'm thinking 10+ medium size ones and if your gecko eats alot then it can become expensive.

Mealworms! Yum! Smudge used to adore these she would just eat loads of them, which was great for us as you can store em in the fridge and they last for ages! Of course we would try to make sure we got them out prior to feeding to allow them time to get gutloaded, and would always make sure they had food whilst in the fridge, but as Smudge has matured and her tastes refined she seems to have gone of them now.

Wax worms! yuck! I didn't like the look of them and i think smudge felt the same, we've tried her a few times with these but she just wont eat them.  They are good though for bulking skinny and pregnant geckos up as they are high in fat content but I don't think they are meant to be eaten on a regular basis, I know flick gets them once a week as a treat.

Crickets, The most abundantly available live feed around, not saying the others aren't but you can always guarantee not just rep shops but normal pet shops (well pets at home) will do them! They are great, nutritionally a lot better for your gecko than mealworms and nice and lively so they at least exercise when hunting, Smudge would just stand by her bowl and wait for us to put worms in when she was eating those!

Pinkies, I dont really have much experience with these, but i do know that they can be fed to expectant mothers to help keep them upto weight.

Will put some more pictures up soon!

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