Friday 4 March 2011

Eat prey, Love

So as promised, here is a video of our lovely leopard gecko chowing down on some of Englands finest crickets, this video was taken when Smudge had just begun eating again, and as you can see from the spartan interior of the viv, we had just cleaned it out and decided not to put back the hides and other furniture to give Smudge a better view of the crickets, and to give the crickets nowhere to hide. 

(BTW there is again some minor swearing at the end of the video, Wifey having spotted a cricket making a bid for freedom, so might be considered NSFW by some oppressive, nanny-state-regime-like boss)

The artful savagery, the swift death, the tiny crunching noises.

(BTW you can also see the fat tail and bulgy belly of our sweet cold blooded baby - looking back on this I wonder why we were ever concerned she might starve!)
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