Sunday 6 February 2011

A little compensation for lack of postings!

Yes, yes I know, no postings for more than a week!  I've now sorted out the job situation, and hopefully now I should be able to post more often.

As a little apology for the lack of posts over the last, well, since I started really, I have uploaded a video of a very young Smudge hunting crickets in her original tank, with some commentary (and minor swearing) by wifey and I. Note that we call her 'him' in this video as we were unsure of her gender for the first couple of weeks (okay, first couple of months)!!

A video of our leopard gecko pouncing on a few crickets (minor swearing)

NSFW if you work at any type of cricket sanctuary or for any Protection of Insect Societies! 

(BTW The 'worm' wifey refers to is a type of beetle that shops include in their live feed boxes as they clean up the waste that crickets and other insects leave behind)  

In other news, over the last few days we have been a little worried about Smudge, as she has been acting up, is off her food and constantly scrabbling at the glass doors at the front of the viv, trying to open them. 

After consulting with the wonderful community at reptile forums UK , we have come to the conclusion that as it coming up to the breeding season, Smudge is restless, and is looking for a mate. Hopefully this will pass in a few days. We have weighed her today and she is around 75g so she is still a good weight and not in any danger of starvation.

I will keep you updated as to her progress.

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