Many many months, nay years have passed since we last posted
on this blog, and many many events have happened in the epic saga of Smudges
Lax as we are in updating our little corner of the interwebs, our
page has been steadily increasing in likes at the rate of 2 or 3 a week.
This Tsunami-like wave of interest has us baffled, so if
anyone has been linking or re-blogging then thanks for the attention.
But seeing as our likes have reached triple (gasp!) digits,
we thought we might make a few posts to bring you up to speed:
Sadly, Smudge is not the embodiment of stereotypical
media-portrayed gecko perfection she once was, having sustained an injury to
that most important organ of geckohood; her tail.
We believe it to be a result of being bitten by crickets,
Gecko self-harming apparently not being "a thing" and although we took her to a
vet and got a course of antibiotics over a number of days (she took the injections
like a champ BTW) the damage was done.
She also sustained a similar injury to her rear leg as well, but that healed with nary a scar.
The photos below show the shriveling of the tail previously so pointy
and proud.
Smudge is no worse for her foreshortening and has had suffered no ill effects.
But as a result, Smudge has been on an all-locust diet for the
last x months/years and has refused to see a counselor, despite repeated